If the search system locates pre-existing data then the selected applicant will be populated from this source.
If the search system locates pre-existing data then the selected representative will be populated from this source.
Please see the Similar trademark report which contains possible risks for your application.
Please select application language
Please enter search term
You must add goods/services.
Please choose an alternative class.
The second language choice must be different from the first language.
Please confirm that you wish to remove this seniority.
Please confirm that you wish to remove this exhibition.
Please confirm that you wish to remove this IR transformation.
Please confirm that you wish to remove this CTM conversion.
You are about to delete the priority. Click OK to confirm the removal or click Cancel to undo.
Add another
Add another
Add another
Add another
Add another
You are about to delete the goods/services. Click OK to confirm the removal or click Cancel to undo.
You are about to delete the class. Click OK to confirm the removal or click Cancel to undo.
Your are trying to add a class that already exists. Please confirm that you want to replace the existing terms.
You must add the goods/services that are subject to the priority .
You must add a priority or click Cancel.
You are about to change type of trademark.
Any information that you have already entered about the type of trademark will be deleted. Any other information entered in the application will not be deleted.
Click OK to confirm change, click Cancel to undo .
Related information will be cleared, please confirm you want to change the language.
You are about to remove the attachment.
The type of mark you have selected does not contain a word representation.
There were no similar marks found.
This type of representative is provisional. OHIM will review the information and decide whether he/she will be included in the list of OHIM professional representatives.
Please choose a TM you wish to import.
You are about to delete the information. Click OK to confirm or click Cancel to undo.
You are about to delete the information. Click OK to confirm or click Cancel to undo.
Please choose an applicant you wish to import.
Please choose a representative you wish to import.
Unable to import applicant
An error occured while processing your request. Please try again later.
File content not valid.
Your session has timed-out.
There are no results for the searched term
By removing any term, you declare your intention not to cover all the goods and services included in the list of this class
By reviewing any term, you declare your intention not to cover all the goods and services included in the list of this class
There is more than one result from the supplier's response
This field is mandatory.
Please enter a valid e-mail.
Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter a valid URL.
Please enter a valid date.
Please enter a valid date (ISO).
Please enter a valid number.
Please enter only digits.
Please enter a valid credit card number.
Please enter the same information again.
The file extension is incorrect.
Invalid format.
There are no results for the searched trademark
The search results returned are incorrect
The values provided are invalid
The service is not available
Connection error
You are about to reset the application. Click OK to confirm or click Cancel to undo.
A new association will be created.
Failed to load the application for unknown reasons.
Failed to load the application. Your file may be corrupted.
You are not authorised to load the application.
Failed to change the language
Are you sure you want to remove all colours?
All the data will be replaced with the imported information! Are you sure that you want to import?
An error ocurred while importing the trademark
Type trademark name or number
Upload the saved application from your computer and you will automatically be directed to the start page. Click Start application and you can proceed applying for a trademark
The file could not be uploaded. Please check that the size of the file does not exceed the maximum limit.