The reference can consist of letters and/or numbers. You can use up to 100 standard characters (upper or lower case letters A-Z and a-z, numbers 0-9 and the following characters: -_ /)Type of application
Select what type of application your want to submit, registration or withdrawal of pledge agreement. You can register pledge agreements for Swedish trademark registrations and applications.Registration of pledge agreement
- Both the pledgee and the pledgor can apply to register a pledge agreement.
- The written pledge agreement must be included in the application as well as the date of the agreement
Withdrawal of pledge agreement
- If the applicant is the pledgor (the owner of the trademark), a document from the pledgee must be included in the application. The pledgee must certify that the pledge agreement has ended. The document must clearly identify the pledge agreement.
Trademark details
Enter the text in the trademark or the application/registration number.Applicant
Select type of applicant:a private person or
a company (also association or organization),
and enter contact information.
The representative is someone that represents the applicant and handles the communication with PRV.A representative can be a private person or a company.
If you have entered information in this section all letters regarding this application will be sent to the representative.
When applying for transfer of ownership PRV will register the representative in the trademark registry, unless stated otherwise in the application or power of attorney.
Pledgee if not applicant
The pledgee is the person/company that has taken the trademark as security, most commonly the lender.If the applicant is not the pledgee you must fill in information about the pledgee.